Frequently Asked Questions.

Vehicle Registration Services

Temp tags/ Permanent tags

Q. What Do I Need To Bring? 
A. You will need a Maryland driver’s License number, If you do not have a Maryland driver’s license number, Alpha One Auto Tags can obtain one for you). Provided you are licensed by any of the states in the United State of America. Valid driver’s license, Title, and bill of sale as provided by the dealer. For any vehicles purchased from a business, dealer, auction, or government agency a bill of sale will be required, in addition to all other documentation. Vehicles older than seven years old and purchased from the owner do not require a bill of sale. Maryland Recognized Insurance, Policy/Binder number, and Maryland safety inspection. If the vehicle has not been inspected, a 30 Day temporary tag will be issued at our office. If the Vehicle is being jointly registered, both parties need to sign all forms. Vehicles with inspection certificates will be able to receive 2 Year’s registration.


Q Can I renew my registration if I have a violation?
A. NB: You will not be able to renew if you currently are in default to the MVA for the following reasons, but not limited to the following: insurance violation, citations, administrative fees, and other Flags by MVA for non-Compliance.

Title Only Transfer (No Tags)

Q. What Do I Need To Bring? 
A. You will need a Maryland driver’s License number, If you do not have a Maryland driver’s license number, Alpha One Auto Tags can obtain one for you). Provided you are licensed by any of the states in the United State of America. . Valid driver’s license, and bill of sale as provided by the dealer. For any vehicles purchased from a business, dealer, auction, or government agency a bill of sale will be required, in addition to all other documentation. Vehicles older than seven years old and purchased from the owner do not require a bill of sale. Complete form VR-005 in its entirety, along with the signed bill of sale and Re-assignment sheets. All documentation must be Original. Alpha One Auto Tag will not accept photocopies. Titles Will Not Be Accepted If Altered Or Mutilated Gifts
Vehicles can be given as Gifts only if the Vehicle has a current Maryland Title and is given by an immediate family Member. Complete Form VR-103, along with a Maryland valid title. If the Last names are different, official proof of relationship (e.g. Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate, etc). 

Historic / Street- rod 

Vehicles must meet the state requirements, However, vehicles in this category, do not need Maryland safety inspection. Complete Form VR-096VR-005 (If given as a gift, VR-103 must be completed). Historic vehicles are defined to be 20 Years and older. Street rods must be 25 Years or older and have been substantially altered from their original design/form.

Tag / Registration Renewal

Q What Do I Need To Bring? 
A Renewal Form VR-1B Or The Most Current Vehicle Registration And State Issued Picture ID. If Registration Is Unavailable, You May Furnish The Tag Number, Vehicle Title, Or Vin Number. To Apply For Renewal On Behalf Of A Third Party, A Notarized Power Of Attorney With A Copy Of The Vehicle Owners ID Must Be Presented. Only The Original Document Can Be Accepted.

Substitute Tags / Stickers

Q What do I need to bring? 
A. If replacing tags or stickers due to loss or theft, your driver’s license, vehicle registration a case number from the police department must be presented. A Case number may be obtained from your local Police department by contacting them Via the Non-Emergency number. If the vehicle is jointly registered, both parties must sign form VR-009 or notarized POA and a copy of the other owners’ ID must be Included.

Tag Transfer

Q What Do I Need To Bring? 
A Download form VR-008. The new vehicle Title you wish to transfer the Tags (include the bill of sale, Re-assignment, for vehicles seven years and newer.) Current vehicle registration, MD Safety Inspection for the vehicle the Tags will Be transferred to. Note: the current vehicle registration must be valid for at least another 13 months from the date of transfer in order to transfer Tags; otherwise, the vehicle registration will be renewed for one year. Vehicles must be of the same class in order to transfer.

Duplicate Registration

Q What Do I Need To Bring? 
A. A valid, driver’s license and form VR-009. Vehicle information, Vin number, or Title number will be necessary in order to create a duplicate registration for the vehicle…

Tow Truck Registration

Q What Do I Need To Bring? 
A. A valid, driver’s license, vehicle Title, bill of sale, MD State Safety Inspection, copy of business registration with the name of the representative of the business and the company’s Soundex number (i.e. ‘Z-Number’ this is assigned to a Business entity).

Tow Truck Registration /Renewal

Q What do I need to bring? 
A Driver’s license, the vehicle’s current registration certificate A copy of the Safety Inspection certificate must be presented.

Tag Return

Q What do I need to bring? 
A. The Sets of Tags assigned and the registration card. If there are at least 13 Months Of Time Left In The registration period for the Tags to be returned, You may be eligible for a refund. If you have more than 13 months of time left in the registration period, receive a refund From the Motor Vehicle Administration.

Forms of Payment

Cash, check, money order, and Cashier’s check.

MVA Violations

Emissions Test Violation

Q.  The emissions test was not completed in the assigned time frame.
A.  An extension may be granted.

Outstanding Parking Ticket and Red light Ticket Violation

1 The parking ticket fine must be paid to the jurisdiction that the ticket was issued from.
   For jurisdictional contact telephone numbers and more information call us at Alpha One.
2.  After payment of the outstanding ticket, you must furnish us with the paid receipts or a confirmation number to verify that the ticket is paid in full.
3.  Maryland MVA charges $30.00 to release each outstanding violation from the computer system.  This is an additional fee above the fine you will pay to the jurisdiction.
4.  Tickets issued in error will require a statement from that jurisdiction stating it was issued in error.  

Insurance Violations

I.  You changed insurance carriers, and had insurance coverage the entire time:
    I.I. Proof of insurance will resolve the matter.
II. You have a lapse of insurance coverage for your vehicle:
    II. Depending upon the circumstances you may or may not be responsible for the fine.
         II.I. Information is provided on a case-by-case basis.  

Please call us at Alpha One for more information.  

Arranging a Fine Payment Plan

If the MVA’s Insurance Compliance Division (ICD) has fined you for an insurance violation and you would like to arrange a payment plan to pay off your debt, you can be referred to the State of Maryland’s Central Collection Unit (CCU).  The CCU may be able to assist you in arranging a payment plan since the MVA does not offer payment plans.  To qualify for the CCU payment plan, you must not owe money to the CCU because of another MVA fine.  If you already have a payment plan through the CCU, you first must pay off the entire debt amount before you are allowed to set up a new payment plan.

Note that you will be assessed a 17% collection fee that will be included in your payment plan.

How can I arrange a payment plan through the Central Collection Unit (CCU)?

Visit the Insurance Compliance Division (ICD) office at any MVA full-service branch office.  The ICD representative will complete and send a debt referral form to the CCU on your behalf.  Then, if the office you visit has a CCU office located on-site, you will be sent there immediately to arrange the payment plan.  If the MVA office you visit does not have a CCU unit on-site, you will need to make a separate visit to one of the CCU office locations. At the time you arrange the payment plan with the CCU, you will be expected to pay a down payment on your debt.  Be sure to bring cash or a credit card with you to the CCU location; checks are not accepted.

Note that if you do not make payments to the CCU as agreed upon, a registration flag will be placed against your vehicle that makes it illegal for the vehicle to be driven.  This flag will also prevent you from registering any other vehicle(s). 

1. the individual(s) who are executing their signature(s) on the document must:
A. Be physically present.
B. Present a driver’s license or a state-issued identification card that reflects the
     individual’s signature
C. If a multi-page document, you must bring the entire document.